Wheat Bran is the outer layer of the wheat kernel and a good source of dietary fiber, particularly insoluble fiber. Enjoy its nutty flavor in baked goods like muffins, quick breads or cookies, or sprinkle over casseroles and cobblers before baking.
To make our wheat bran, the milling process gently separates the protective outer layer of the wheat berry from the endosperm and oil-rich germ. The resulting wheat bran boasts a good fiber content (5 grams per 1/4 cup serving) that also acts as a prebiotic, which may promote healthy gut bacteria and slow digestion, thus guarding against constipation. Some studies indicate that wheat bran fiber may also slow fermentation in the gut, allowing short chain fatty acids to move throughout the colon.
If you’re looking to up the fiber content in your diet, consider eating fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, as well as products like oat bran (which contains soluble fiber).
Add wheat bran before cooking to hot cereals, baked goods, casseroles and more. To preserve freshness, store in the refrigerator or a vacuum-sealed container.